AACCA | Associate of Association of Certified Corporate Accountants |
AAI | Associate of Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute |
AAIM | Associate of Australian Institute of Management |
AASA | Associate of Australian Society of Accountants |
ABCM | Associate of British College of Music |
ACA | Associate of Institute of Chartered Accountants |
ACAA | Associate of Australian Institute of Cost Accountants |
ACCA | Associate of Association of Certified Accountants |
ACCS | Associate of Corporation of Secretaries |
ACGI | Associate of City and Guilds of London Institute |
ACIB | Associate of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers |
ACII | Associate of Chartered Insurance Institution |
ACIS | Associate of Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators |
ACIT | Associate of Chartered Institute of Transport |
ACMA | Associate of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants |
AcSS | Academician, Academy of Social Sciences |
ACWA | Associate of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants |
AFAIM | Associate Fellow of Australian Institute of Management |
AFBPsS | Associate Fellow of British Psychological Society |
AFCIA | Associate Fellow of Canadian Aeronautical Institute |
AFGI | Associate Fellow of Grocers’ Institute |
AFRAeS | Associate Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society |
AGI | Associate Member of Grocers’ Institute |
AGSM | Associate of Guildhall School of Music; |
AIAA | Associate Architect Member of Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors |
AIB | Associate of Institute of Bankers |
AICA | Member of the Internationale des Critiques d’Art |
AICE | Associate of Institution of Civil Engineers |
AICS | Associate of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
AIM | Associate of Institute of Metallurgists (now see MIM) |
AIMM | Associate of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
AInstP | Associate of Institute of Physics |
AIOB | Associate of Institute of Building |
AIWSP | Associate of Institute of Work Study Practitioners |
AKC | Associate of King’s College, London |
ALAS | Associate of Land Agents Society |
ALCM | Associate of London College of Music |
ALI | Associate of the Landscape Institute |
AMBIM | Associate Member of British Institute of Management |
AMCT | Associate of Manchester College of Science and Technology |
AMet | Associate of Metallurgy (University of Sheffield) |
AMIA | Associate Member of Institute of Almoners |
AMICE | Associate Member of Institution of Civil Engineers |
AMIEA | Associate Member of Institute of Engineers, Australia |
AMIEE | Associate Member of Institution of Electrical Engineers (now |
AMIERE | Associate Member of Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
AMI Ex | Associate Member of Institute of Export |
AMI Gas E | Associate Member of Institution of Gas Engineers |
AMIMechE | Associate Member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (now see MIMechE) |
AMInstPet | Associate Member of Institute of Petroleum |
AMInstW | Associate Member of Institute of Welding |
AMINucE | Associate Member of Institution of Nuclear Engineers |
AMIPM | Associate Member of Institute of Personnel Management |
AMIRSE | Associate Member of Institution of Railway Signal Engineers |
AMIStructE | Associate Member of Institution of Structural Engineers |
AMRAeS | Associate Member of Royal Aeronautical Society |
AMRINA | Associate Member of Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
AMRTS | Associate Member Royal Television Society |
AMSE | Associate Member of Society of Engineers |
AMTPI | Associate of Town Planning Institute |
APEA | Affiliate Physical Education Association |
ARA | Associate of Royal Academy |
ARAeS | Associate of Royal Aeronautical Society |
ARAgS | Associate of Royal Agricultural Society |
ARAIA | Associate of Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
ARAM | Associate of Royal Academy of Music |
ARCA | Associate Royal College of Art |
ARCM | Associate of Royal College of Music |
ARCO | Associate of Royal College of Organists |
ARCS | Associate of Royal College of Science |
ARCST | Associate of Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow) |
ARCVS | Associate of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
ARIBA | Associate of Royal Institute of British Architects |
ARIC | Associate of Royal Institute of Chemistry |
ARICS | Professional Associate of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
ARPS | Associate Royal Photographic Society |
ARRC | Associate Royal Red Cross |
ARSA | Associate of Royal Scottish Academy |
ARSM | Associate of Royal School of Mines |
ARTC | Associate of Royal Technical College (Glasgow) |
ARTS | Associate of Royal Television Society |
ASDA | Associate of Speech and Drama Australia |
AS For | Associate of Royal Society of Foresters of Great Britain |
ASIA | Associate of Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
AssocICE | Associate of Institution of Civil Engineers |
ATII | Associate Member of Institute of Taxation |
CA | Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland |
CBIM | Companion of British Institute of Marketing |
CDir | Chartered Director |
CEng | Chartered Engineer |
CEnv | Chartered Environmentalist (Society for the Environment) |
CGeol | Chartered Geologist |
Chem FRSC | Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry |
CIEE | Companion of Institution of Electrical Engineers |
CI Gas E | Companion of Institution of Gas Engineers |
CIMarE | Companion of Institute of Marine Engineers |
CIMechE | Companion of Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
CIMgt | Companion of Institute of Management |
CInstMC | Companion of Institute of Measurement and Control |
CITP | Certified Information Technology Professional |
CLit | Companion of Royal Society of Literature |
CMIOSH | Chartered Member of Institution of Occupational Safety and Health |
CMZS | Corresponding Member Zoological Society |
Comp IEE | Companion of Institution of Electrical Engineers |
CompIERE | Companion of Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
CPA | Chartered Patent Agent; Certified Public Accountant (USA) |
CPEng | Chartered Professional Engineer |
CPFA | Member or Associate of Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy |
CPsychol | Chartered Psychologist |
CSci | Chartered Scientist |
DRCOG | Doctor of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FAA | Fellow of Australian Academy of Science |
FAAH | Fellow of Australian Academy of the Humanities |
FAAV | Fellow of Central Association of Agricultural Valuers |
FACCA | Fellow of Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants |
FACD | Fellow of American College of Dentistry |
FACE | Fellow of Australian College of Education |
FACMA | Fellow of Australian College of Medical Administrators |
FACOG | Fellow American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FACP | Fellow of American College of Physicians |
FACS | Fellow of American College of Surgeons |
FACST | Fellow of Australian College of Speech Therapists |
FAHA | Fellow of Australian Academy of the Humanities |
FAJ | Fellow of Chartered Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute |
FAIAA | Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
FAIAS | Fellow of Australian Institute of Agricultural Science |
FAIB | Fellow of Australian Institute of Building |
FAIM | Fellow of Australian Institute of Management |
FAMM | Fellow Academy of Medicine of Malaysia |
FANZCA | Fellow Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists |
FANZCP | Fellow Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
FAPHA | Fellow of American Public Health Association |
FAPI | Fellow of Australian Planning Institute |
FASA | Fellow of Australian Society of Accountants |
FBA | Fellow of British Academy |
FBCS | Fellow of British Computer Society |
FBHI | Fellow of British Horological Institute |
FBII | Fellow British Institute of Innkeeping |
FBIM | Fellow of British Institute of Management |
FBIS | Fellow British Interplanetary Society |
FBOA | Fellow of British Optical Association |
FBPsS | Fellow of British Psychological Society |
FBS | Fellow Building Societies Institute |
FCA | Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants |
FCAA | Fellow of Australasian Institute of Cost Accountants |
FCANZ | Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants in New Zealand |
FCASI | Fellow of Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute |
FCBA | Fellow of Canadian Bankers Association |
FCCA | Fellow Chartered Association of Certified Accountants |
FCCP | Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians |
FCCS | Fellow of Corporation of Secretaries |
FCGI | Fellow of City and Guilds of London Institute |
FCIB | Fellow of Corporation of Insurance Brokers |
FCII | Fellow of Chartered Insurance Institute |
FCILT | Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
FCIS | Fellow Institute of Chartered Secretaries |
FCIT | Fellow of Chartered Institute of Transport |
FCIV | Fellow of Commonwealth Institute of Valuers (Australia) |
FCMA | Fellow of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants |
FCMI | Fellow of Chartered Management Institute (formerly FIMgt) |
FCNA | Fellow of College of Nursing, Australia |
FCOG | Fellow of College of Gynaecologists |
FCP | Fellow of College of Preceptors |
FCPSG | Fellow College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ghana |
FCRA | Fellow of College of Radiologists of Australia |
FCS | Fellow of Chemical Society, and Fellow College of Surgeons |
FCSI | Fellow of Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment |
FDS RCPS | Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) |
FEng | Fellow Royal Academy (formerly Fellowship) of Engineering |
FEIS | Fellow of Educational Institute of Scotland |
FFA, RACS | Fellow of Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
FFA, RCSI | Fellow of Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FFAEM | Fellow Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine |
FFAS | Fellow, Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, London |
FFA (SA) | Fellow of Faculty of Anaesthetists, South Africa |
FFB | Fellow of Faculty of Building |
FFCM | Fellow of Faculty of Community Medicine |
FFD, RCS | Fellow of Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons |
FFD, RCSIreland | Fellow of Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland |
FFPMRCA | Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine of Royal College of Anaesthetists |
FFR | Fellow of Faculty of Radiologists |
FFSEM | Fellow of Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine |
FGAJ | Fellow of Guild of Agricultural Journalists |
FGI | Fellow of Grocers’ Institute |
FGS | Fellow of Geological Society |
FGSM | Fellow of Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
FHA | Fellow of Institute of Hospital Administrators |
FHCIMA | Fellow of Hotel Catering and Institutional Management Association |
FHEA | Fellow of Higher Education Academy |
FIA | Fellow of Institute of Actuaries |
FIAA | Fellow of Institute of Administrative Accountants |
FIAL | Fellow of International Institute of Arts and Letters |
FIAM | Fellow of International Academy of Management |
FIArb | Fellow of Institute of Arbitrators |
FIAS | Fellow of Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (US |
FIB | Fellow of Institute of Bankers |
FIBiol | Fellow of Institute of Biology |
FIC | Fellow of Imperial College, London |
FICD | Fellow of Institute of Civil Defence |
FICE | Fellow of Institute of Civil Engineers |
FICeram | Fellow of Institute of Ceramics |
FICM | Fellow of Institute of Credit Management |
FICPD | Fellow of Institute of Continuing Professional Development |
FICS | Fellow of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
FICSA | Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators |
FIEA | Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Australia |
FIEE | Fellow of Institute of Electrical Engineers |
FIEEE | Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA |
FIEI | Fellow of Institution of Engineering Inspection |
FIERE | Fellow of Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
FIET | Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology |
FIFST | Fellow of Institute of Food Science and Technology |
FIHE | Fellow of Institute of Health Education |
FIHM | Fellow of Institute of Housing Managers |
FIHT | Fellow of Institute of Highways and Transportation |
FIHVE | Fellow of Institution of Heating and Ventilation Engineers |
FIIP | Fellow of Institution of Incorporated Photographers |
FIL | Fellow of Institution of Linguists |
FILPA | Fellow of Institute of Life and Pension Advisers |
FIM | Fellow of Institution of Metallurgists |
FIMA | Fellow of Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
FIMC | Fellow of Institution of Mathematics and Control (New Zealand), formerly Authomatic Control and Instrumentation Society (New Zealand) |
FIMechE | Fellow of Institute of Mechanical Engineers |
FIMgt | Fellow of Institute of Management (later FCMI) |
FIMI | Fellow of Institute of Motor Industry |
FIMinE | Fellow of Institution of Mining Engineers |
FIMM | Fellow of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
FIMMM | Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining |
FIMTA | Fellow of Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants |
FIMunE | Fellow of Institution of Municipal Engineers |
FInstAM | Fellow of Institute of Administrative Management |
FInstD | Fellow of Institute of Directors |
FInstF | Fellow of Institute of Fuel |
FInstHE | Fellow of Institute of Highways Engineers |
FInstLEx | Fellow of Institute of Legal Executives |
FInstM | Fellow of Institute of Marketing |
FInstMet | Fellow of Institute of Metals |
FInst, Nav | Fellow of Institute of Navigation |
FInstP | Fellow of Institute of Physics and Physical Society |
FInstPet | Fellow of Institute of Petroleum |
FInstPS | Fellow of Institute of Purchasing and Supply |
FInstMSM | Fellow of Institute of Marketing and Sales Management |
FInstW | Fellow of Institute of Welding |
FIO | Fellow of Institute of Ophthalmology |
FIOB | Fellow of Institute of Building |
FIoD | Fellow of Institute of Directors |
FIPA | Fellow of Institute of Public Administration |
FIPlantE | Fellow of Institution of Plant Engineers |
FIPM | Fellow of Institute of Personnel Management |
FIPR | Fellow of Institute of Public Relations |
FIProdE | Fellow of Institution of Production Engineers |
FIQ | Fellow of Institute of Quarrying |
FIQA | Fellow of Institute of Quality Insurance |
FIREE (Aust) | Fellow of Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers (Australia) |
FIStructE | Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers |
FITD | Fellow of Institute of Training and Development |
FIWE | Fellow of Institute of Water Engineers |
FIWM | Fellow of Institution of Works Managers |
FIWSP | Fellow of Institution of Work Study Practitioners |
FKC | Fellow of King’s College, London |
FLAS | Fellow of Chartered Land Agents Society |
FLCM | Fellow of London Coll of Music |
FLS | Fellow of Linnean Society |
FMA | Fellow of Museums Association |
FMedSci | Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences |
FNI | Fellow of Nautical Institute |
FNZIE | Fellow of New Zealand Institution of Engineers |
FNZIM | Fellow of New Zealand Institute of Management |
FNZSA | Fellow of New Zealand Society of Accountants |
FPANZ | Fellow Public Accountant of New Zealand |
FPEA | Fellow Physical Education Association |
FPhysS | Fellow of Physical Society |
FPI | Fellow of Plastics Institute |
FPS | Fellow of Pharmaceutical Society |
FRACDS | Fellow of Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons |
FRACGP | Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
FRACI | Fellow of Royal Australian Chemical Institute |
FRACMA | Fellow of Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators |
FRACP | Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
FRACR | Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Radiologists |
FRACS | Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
FRAeS | Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society |
FRAgS | Fellow of Royal Agricultural Societies of Great Britain |
FRAI | Fellow of Royal Anthropological Institute |
FRAIA | Fellow of Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
FRACI | Fellow of Royal Architectural Institute of Canada |
FRAM | Fellow of Royal Academy of Music |
FRANZCP | Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
FRAPI | Fellow of Royal Australian Planning Institute |
FRAS | Fellow of Royal Asiatic Society |
FRAS | Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society |
FRASE | Fellow of Royal Agricultural Society of England |
FRCA | Fellow of Royal College of Art; Fellow of Royal College of Anaesthetists |
FRCGP | Fellow of Royal College of General Practitioners |
FRCM | Fellow of Royal College of Music |
FRCO | Fellow of Royal College of Organists |
FRCOG | Fellow of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FRCOphth | Fellow of Royal College of Ophthalmologists (formerly FCOphth) |
FRCP | Fellow of Royal College of Physicians |
FRCPC | Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (formerly FRCSCan) |
FRCPE | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh |
FRCPCH | Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
FRCPS | Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) |
FRCPsych | Fellow Royal College of Psychiatrists |
FRCR | Fellow of Royal College of Radiologists |
FRCSC | Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Canada |
FRCSEngland | Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of England |
FRCSEd | Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
FRCSI | Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland |
FRCVS | Fellow of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
FREconS | Fellow of Royal Economical Society |
FREng | Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering |
FRES | Fellow of Royal Entomological Society of London |
FRFPS | Fellow of Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons |
FRGS | Fellow of Royal Geographical Society |
FRHistS | Fellow of Royal Historical Society |
FRHS | Fellow of Royal Horticultural Society |
FRIAS | Fellow of Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland |
FRIBA | Fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects |
FRIC | Fellow of Royal Institute of Chemistry |
FRICS | Fellow of Royal `institute of Chartered Surveyors |
FRIH | Fellow of Royal Institute of Horticulture (NZ) |
FRIN | Fellow of Royal Institute of Navigation |
FRINA | Fellow of Royal Institute of Naval Architects |
FRIPHH | Fellow of Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene |
FRMCM | Fellow of Royal Manchester College of Music |
FRMetS | Fellow of Royal Meteorological Society |
FRNCM | Fellow of Royal Northern College of Music |
FRPS | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society |
FRS | Fellow of Royal Society |
FRSA | Fellow of Royal Society of Arts |
FRSAMD | Fellow of Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama |
FRSBS | Fellow of Royal Society of British Sculptors |
FRSC | Fellow of Royal Society of Canada |
FRSCM | Fellow of Royal School of Church Music |
FRSE | Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh |
FRSGS | Fellow of Royal Scottish Geographical Society |
FRSH | Fellow of Royal Society for Promotion of Health |
FRSL | Fellow of Royal Society of Literature |
FRSM | Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine |
FRSNZ | Fellow of Royal Society of New Zealand |
FRSSA | Fellow of Royal Society of South Africa |
FRTPI | Fellow of Royal Town Planning Institute |
FRTS | Fellow of Royal Television Society |
FRVCM | Fellow of Royal Victorian Coll of Music |
FRZS (Scot) | Fellow of Royal Zoological Society of Scotland |
FSA | Fellow of Society of Antiquaries |
FSAA | Fellow of Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors |
FSAE | Fellow of National Society for Art Education |
FSE | Fellow of Society of Engineers |
FSFor | Fellow of Society of Foresters of Great Britain |
FSG | Fellow of Society of Genealogists |
FSIA | Fellow of Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
FSS | Fellow of Royal Statistical Society |
FSVA | Fellow of Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers |
FTCL | Fellow of Trinity College of Music, London |
FTIA | Fellow of Taxation Institute of Australia |
FWAAS | Fellow of World Academy of Arts and Sciences |
FZS | Fellow of Zoological Society |
GGSM | Graduate in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
GRNCM | Graduate of Royal Northern College of Music |
GRSM | Graduate of Royal School of Music |
GTCL | Graduate of Trinity College of Music |
IEng | Incorporated Engineer |
LAB | Licentiate of the Associated Board (the combined Royal College of Music and Royal Academy of Music) |
LCST | Licentiate of College of Speech Therapists |
LDS | Licentiate of Dental Surgery |
LKQCP | Licentiate of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, Ireland |
LLCM | Licentiate London College of Music |
LLCM (TD) | Licentiate London College of Music (Teachers Diploma) |
LLL | Licentiate of Laws |
LM | Licentiate in Midwifery |
LMCC | Licentiate, Medical Council of Canada |
LMRTPI | Legal Member Royal Town Planning Institute |
LMSSA | Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries |
LPEA | Licentiate Physical Education Association |
LRA | Legionella Risk Assessor |
LRAM | Licentiate of Royal Academy of Music |
LRCP | Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians |
LRCPS | Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons |
LRCS | Licentiate of Royal College of Surgeons |
LRFPS | Licentiate of Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow |
LRIBA | Licentiate of Royal Institute of British Architects |
LRPS | Licentiate of Royal Photographic Society |
LSA | Licentiate of Society of Apothecaries |
LSIA | Licentiate of Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
LTCL | Licentiate of Trinity College of Music, London |
LVCM | Licentiate of the Victoria College of Music |
MACE | Member of Australian College of Education |
MACR | Member of American College of Radiology |
MAIME | Member of American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers |
MANZCP | Member Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
MAPsS | Member of Australian Psychological Society |
MASME | Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
MAusIMM | Member of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
MBAOT | Member of British Association of Occupational Therapists |
MBCS | Member of British Computer Society |
MBIM | Member of British Institute of Management |
MBOU | Member of British Ornithologists’ Union |
MCIM | Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing |
MCIP | Member Canadian Institute of Planners |
MCIPD | Member of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development |
MCIPS | Member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply |
MCIT | Member of Chartered Institute of Transport |
MCPA | Member of College of Pathologists of Australia |
MCPS | Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons |
MCSP | Member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapists |
MEIC | Member of Engineering Institute of Canada |
MFCM | Member of Faculty of Community Medicine |
MFOM | Member of Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
MFSEM | Member of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine |
MGI | Member of Grocers’ Institute |
MHA | Member of House of Assembly |
MHR | Member of House of Representatives |
MHSM | Member Institute of Health Services Management |
MIABTI | Member International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators |
MICAS | Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland |
MICE | Member of Institution of Civil Engineers |
MICFor | Member Institute of Chartered Foresters |
MIChemE | Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers |
MIEA | Member of Institution of Engineers, Australia |
MIEE | Member of Institution of Electrical Engineers |
MIEEM | Member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
MIEI | Member of Institution of Engineering Inspection |
MIEIndia | Member of Institution of Engineers in India |
MIERE | Member of Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
MIES | Member of Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland |
MIET | Member of the Institute of Engineers and Technicians |
MIEx | Member of Institute of Export |
MIExpE | Member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers |
MI Gas E | Member of Institution of Gas Engineers |
MIHT | Member of Institute of Highways and Transportation |
MIIM | Member of Institute of Industrial Management |
MIM | Member of Institute of Metallurgists |
MIMarE | Member of Institute of Marine Engineers |
MIMC | Member of Institute of Management Consultants |
MIMechE | Member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
MIMgt | Member of Institute of Management |
MIMI | Member of Institute of Motor Industry |
MIMinE | Member of Institution of Mining Engineers |
MIMM | Member of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
MIMSM | Member of Scottish Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
MIMTA | Member of Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants |
MIMunE | Member of Institution of Municipal Engineers |
MIMx | Member of the Institute of Export |
MIN | Member of Institute of Navigation |
MInstF | Member of Institution of Fuel |
MInstHE | Member of Institute of Highway Engineers |
MInstM | Member of Institute of Marketing |
MInstMC | Member of Institute of Measurement and Control |
MInstMet | Member of Institute of Metals |
MInstNav | Member of the Institute of Navigation |
MlnstPet | Member of Institute of Petroleum |
MInstPI | Member of Institute of Patentees and Inventors |
MInstPS | Member of Institute of Purchasing and Supply |
MInstW | Member of Institute of Welding |
MINucE | Member of Institution of Nuclear Engineers |
MIOB | Member of the Institute of Building |
MIPA | Member of Institute of Public Administration |
MIPlantE | Member of Institution of Plant Engineers |
MIPM | Member of Institute of Personnel Management |
M1PR | Member of Institute of Public Relations |
MIProdE | Member of Institution of Production Engineers |
MIQ | Member of Institute of Quarrying |
MInstAM | Member of Institute of Administrative Management |
MIRSE | Member of Institution of Railway Signal Engineers |
MISM | Member of Institute of Supervisory Management |
MIStructE | Member of Institution of Structural Engineers |
MITO | Member Institution of Training Officers |
MIWE | Member of Institution of Water Engineers |
MTWM | Member of Institution of Works Managers |
MIWSP | Member of Institution of Work Study Practitioners |
MLA | Member of Legislative Assembly |
MLC | Member of Legislative Council |
MME | Member of Mining Engineering |
MMGI | Master Member of Grocers’ Institute |
MNI | Member of Nautical Institute |
MNIMH | Member of National Institute of Medical Herbalists |
MBACP | Member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy |
MBPsS | Graduate Member, British Psychological Society |
MCIPR | Member of Chartered Institute of Public Relations |
MCIPS | Member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply |
MIET | Member of Institution of Engineering and Technology |
MJDF | Member of Joint Dental Faculties |
MMCA | Member of McTimoney Chiropractic Association |
MPEA | Member of Physical Education Association |
MRAC | Member of Royal Agricultural College |
MRAeS | Member of Royal Aeronautical Society |
MRCGP | Member of Royal College of General Practitioners |
MRCOG | Member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MRCP | Member of Royal College of Physicians |
MRCPA | Member of Royal College of Pathologists of Australia |
MRCPEd | Member of Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh |
MRCPI | Member of Royal College of Physicians, Ireland |
MRCPsych | Member of Royal College of Psychiatry |
MRCS | Member of Royal College of Surgeons |
MRCVS | Member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
MRIA | Member of Royal Irish Academy |
MRICS | Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
MRIN | Member of Royal Institute of Navigation |
MRINA | Member of Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
MRPharmS | Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
MRSC | Member of Royal Society of Chemistry |
MRSH | Member of Royal Society for Promotion of Health |
MRTPI | Member of Royal Town Planning Institute |
MRTS | Member of Royal Television Society |
MSAOT | Member of Scottish Association of Occupational Therapists |
MSAutE | Member of Society of Automobile Engineers |
MSB | Member of Society of Biology |
MSE | Member of Society of Engineers |
MSFor | Member of Society of Foresters of Great Britain |
MSI | Member of Securities Institute |
MSIAD | Member of Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
MSIT | Member of Society of Instrument Technology |
MSST | Member of Society of Surveying Technicians (now RICS (Tech)) |
NDEA | Non-Domestic Energy Assessor |
QALAS | Qualified Associate of Land Agents’ Society |
RA | Royal Academician |
RAM | Member of Royal Academy of Music |
RP | Member of Royal Society of Portrait Painters |
RRC | Lady of the Royal Red Cross |
RSA | Royal Scottish Academician |
TEng (CEI) | Technician Engineer (Council of Engineering Institutions) |
TESOL | Teaching/Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages |
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