The Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle

The Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle

The Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle

The date of the foundation of the Order of the Thistle is not known. When the Order was revived by King James VII and II in 1687 and by Queen Anne in 1703 it was narrated in the Royal Warrants that the Order has been instituted by “Achaius, King of Scots (of glorious memory)”. This is now regarded as legendary. What seems more probable is that King Achaius instituted the veneration of St. Andrew who became the natural Patron Saint of the Order when in due time it was created. In “Les Souverains du Monde” (1722: Vol LV: P. 318) James II of Scotland is credited with “reviving” an Order of St Andrew in 1452 but it is to his eldest son and successor James III (1460-1488) that historical evidence now points as being the true founder of the the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle. The order consists of the Sovereign and sixteen Knights. Royal Knights and Extra Knights are admitted by special statutes in addition to the number of sixteen.

The insignia are (i) the STAR, consisting of a St. Andrew’s cross of silver embroidery with rays emanating between the points of the cross; in the centre upon a field of gold, a Thistle of green heightened with gold, and surrounded by a circle of green, having thereon the motto in letters of gold, Nemo me impune lacessit. (It is worn affixed to the left breast.) (ii) The COLLAR of gold consists of thistles intermingled with sprigs of rue, pendant from the centre the St. Andrew of gold enamelled, with the gown green and the surcoat purple, bearing before him the cross enamelled white, and having round the image rays of gold going out from it in the form of a glory. (iii) The MANTLE is of green velvet bound with taffeta and tied with cords and tassels of green and gold; on the left shoulder is a representation of the Star of the Order. (iv) The BADGE (of gold enamelled) has on one side the image of St. Andrew with the cross before, enamelled as above described or cut in stone, and on the back enamelled a Thistle, gold and green, the flower reddish, with the before-mentioned motto round it, the Thistle on an enamelled green ground. (It is worn attached to a dark green ribbon passing over the left shoulder and resting on the right hip.) (v) The HAT is of black velvet, ornamented with white osprey plumes. At death the Badge and Star are delivered up to Her Majesty by the Knight’s male or female heir, the Collar (with pendant Badge) being returned to the Central Chancery. The Chapel of the Order is in St Giles’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, and the Chancery at the Court of the Lord Lyon, HM New Register House, Edinburgh.

A Current List of the Knights of the Thistle

(preceded by year of appointment)


1977 - King CHARLES III (as The Prince of Wales)

Extra Knights and Ladies:

2000 - The Princess Royal

2012 - The Prince of Wales (as Duke of Rothesay)

2013 - The Queen

2024 - The Duke of Edinburgh

Knights and Ladies:

1981 - The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine

1997 - Baron Mackay of Clashfern

2000 - Baron Wilson of Tillyorn

2004 - Baron Steel of Aikwood

2004 - Baron Robertson of Port Ellen

2007 - Baron Cullen of Whitekirk

2009 - Baron Hope of Craighead

2009 - Baron Patel

2014 - Baron Smith of Kelvin

2017 - The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry - appointed Chancellor 2023

2018 - Sir Ian Wood

2022 - Rt Hon Lady Elish Angiolini

2022 - Rt Hon Sir George Reid

2024 - Baroness Black of Strome

2024 - Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws

2024 - Sir (Godfrey Henry Oliver) Geoff Palmer


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