The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George

The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George

The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George

Ordinary Membership of the Order of St Michael and St George, which was instituted in 1818, and enlarged and extended in 1868, 1879, 1887, 1901, 1911, 1915, 1927, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1948, 1953, 1954, 1960, 1965, 1969, 1974 and 1983 is conferred on subjects of the Crown of the United Kingdom and certain classes of British protected persons, who may hold, or have held high and confidential offices, or may render or have rendered extraordinary and important services (other than military) within or in relation to any part of the British Dominions or Territories under British Protection or Administration, and in reward for important and loyal services in relation to foreign affairs.

The Order consists of not more than one hundred and twenty Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross (of whom the Grand Master is the First and Principal), three hundred and ninety Knights Commander and Dames Commander, and one thousand seven hundred and seventy five Companions, exclusive of Honorary members, and any Additional members who have been or may be appointed. The Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross are entitled to bear supporters, and to surround their coats of arms with the Collar, circle, and Motto of the Order, and to suspend therefrom the Badge of the Order. The Knights Commanders, Dames Commanders and Companions are permitted to surround their arms with the circle and motto, from which is suspended the ribbon and Badge of the Order.

The Insignia are:

(i) the STAR of the Knight Grand Cross and Dame Grand Cross which is composed of seven rays of silver having a small ray of gold between each of them, and over all the Cross of St. George gules; in the centre is the representation of the Archangel St. Michael holding in his dexter hand a flaming sword and trampling upon Satan, within a blue circle, inscribed with the motto, Auspicium melioris aevi, in letters of gold. The STAR for Dames being somewhat smaller than that for Knights.

(ii) The COLLAR of gold, which is formed alternately of lions of England royally crowned, of Maltese crosses of white enamel, and of the cyphers S.M. and S. G. (also alternately), having in the centre the Imperial Crown over two winged lions, passant guardant, each holding in his fore paw a book and seven arrows; at the opposite end of the Collar are two similar lions, the whole linked together by small gold chains. The Chain for Dames is slightly smaller than that for Knights.

(iii) The BADGE, which is a cross of fourteen points enamelled argent, edged gold, having in the centre on one side the Archangel St. Michael holding in his dexter hand a flaming Sword and trampling upon Satan, and on the other St. George on horseback and in armour with a spear encountering a dragon, each within a blue circle, on which is inscribed the motto of the Order in letters of gold; the Badge is ensigned by an Imperial Crown gold, and it is worn by the Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross (the Badge for Dames to be the same size as that for Knights Commander) either attached to the Collar or to a four inch Saxon blue ribbon (for Knights Grand Cross) or to a two and one quarter inches ribbon (for Dames Grand Cross) with a scarlet central stripe, from the right shoulder to the left side.

(iv) The MANTLE is of Saxon blue satin, lined with scarlet silk, tied with a cordon of blue and scarlet silk and gold, with two tassels of the same colours, and having on the left side an embroidered representation of the Star of the Order. Knights Commander wear the Badge — one size smaller than the GCMG Badge — suspended on an Order ribbon of miniature width from the neck, and wear on their left side a STAR composed of four rays, thereon a small cross of eight points in saltire argent, surmounted by the Cross of St. George gules, and having the same centre as the Star of the Grand Crosses, while Dames Commander wear a similar but slightly smaller Badge than Knights Commander but tied in a bow and worn on the left shoulder, and they wear a slightly smaller Star. Companions wear the Badge or small Cross of the Order — smaller than the KCMG Badge — on an Order ribbon of miniature width, suspended from the neck; a Lady Companion wears the Badge on a bow one and three quarter inches wide and with an additional fitting on a ribbon suspended from the neck.

The Chapel of the Order is in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London.

The Insignia of all classes of this Order are not returned at death, except in the case of the Collar of a Knight or Dame Grand Cross, provided it was awarded after 1948.


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