AA | Architectural Association; Automobile Association |
AAA | Amateur Athletic Association |
AAPS | American Association |
ACCM | Advisory Council for the Church’s Ministry of Pharmaceutical Scientists |
AEGIS | Aid for the Elderly in Government Institutions |
AEU | Amalgamated Engineering Union |
AGSM | Australian Graduate School of Management |
AMA | Australian Medical Association |
AMREF | African Medical and Research Foundation |
ANZAAS | Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science |
ASH | Anti-Smoking and Health |
BAC | British Aircraft Corporation |
BASC | British Association of Shooting and Conservation |
BAFTA | British Academy of Film and Television Arts |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BEA | British European Airways |
BERR | Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform |
BFI | British Film Institute |
BFSS | British Field Sports Society |
BFWG | British Federation of Women Graduates |
BIS | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills |
BMA | British Medical Association |
BNEC | British National Export Council |
BNFL | British Nuclear Fuels (Limited) |
BOAC | British Overseas Airways Corporation |
BRCS | British Red Cross Society |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAAV | Central Association of Agricultural Valuers |
CBI | Confederation of British Industry |
CEI | Council of Engineering Institutions |
CENTO | Central Treaty Organisation |
CEPH | Council on Education for Public Health |
CFS | Central Flying School |
CIA | Chemical Industries Association |
CIC | Community Interest Company |
CIMA | Chartered Institute of Management |
CIOS | International Committee for Scientific Management |
CLA | Country Landowners’ Association |
CMS | Church Missionary Society |
CNAA | Council for National Academic Awards |
COI | Central Office of Information |
CPA | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association |
CPRE | Campaign to Protect Rural England |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
DCSF | Department of Children, Schools and Families |
DES | Department of Education and Science |
DIUS | Department for Innovation, Universites and Skills |
DoE | Department of the Environment |
DSAO | Diplomatic Service Administration Office |
DSIR | Department of Scientific and Industrial Research |
DUP | Democratic Unionist Party |
ECU | English Church Union |
EDC | Economic Development Committee |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
ESU | English Speaking Union |
EU | European Union |
FAO | Food and Agricultural Organisation |
FBI | Federation of British Industries |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
FEANI | European Federation of National Associations of Engineers |
FWAG | Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group |
GATT | General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade |
GC and CS | Government Code and Cypher School |
GKT | Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’s (Medical and Dental School of King’s College, London) |
GLC | Greater London Council |
GPMU | Graphical, Paper and Media Union |
GPO | General Post Office |
GRO | General Register Office |
GTC | General Teaching Council |
HEICS | Honourable East India Company’s Service |
HMC | Hospital Management Committee |
HMG | His or Her Majesty’s Government |
HMS | His or Her Majesty’s Ship |
HMSO | His or Her Majesty’s Stationery Office |
HMY | His or Her Majesty’s Yacht |
IBA | Independent Broadcasting Authority |
ICI | Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd |
ICS | Indian Civil Service |
ICSM | Imperial College School of Medicine |
IDC | Imperial Defence College |
IDS | Institute of Development Studies |
ILEA | Inner London Education Authority |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
IMechE | Institute of Mechanical Engineers |
IMS | Indian Medical Service |
INSEAD | Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires |
IntPE | International Register of Professional Engineers |
IPU | Inter-Parliamentary Union |
ITN | Independent Television News |
JSSC | Joint Services Staff College |
KCL | King’s College, London |
KGFS | King George’s Fund for Sailors |
KIAD | Kent Institute of Art and Design |
LAMDA | London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
LCC | London County Council |
LIWA | London Institute of World Affairs |
LLP | Limited Liability Partnership |
LSE | London School of Economics and Political Science |
LWT | London Weekend Television |
MAP | Ministry of Aircraft Production |
MCC | Marylebone Cricket Club |
NAAFI | Navy, Army and Air Forces Institutes |
NADFAS | National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies |
NEDC | National Economic Development Council |
NEDO | National Economic Development Office |
NFU | National Farmers’ Union |
NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
NUJ | National Union of Journalists |
NUPE | National Union of Public Employees |
NUR | National Union of Railwaymen |
NUT | National Union of Teachers |
ODA | Overseas Development Administration |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OEEC | Organisation for European Economic Co-operation |
OER&TC | Old Etonian Racquet and Tennis Club |
OSCE | Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe |
PHAB | Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied |
PRO | Public Records Office |
PwC | PricewaterhouseCoopers |
PWD | Public Works Department |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club; Royal Agricultural College (now Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester) |
RADA | Royal Academy of Dramatic Art |
RASE | Royal Agricultural Society of England |
RAU | Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester |
RCDS | Royal College of Defence Studies |
RCM | Royal College of Music |
RCS | Royal College of Surgeons |
RHA | Royal Hibernian Academy |
RI | Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours |
RIAC | Royal Irish Automobile Club |
RIAS | Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland |
RIBA | Royal Institute of British Architects |
RICS | Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors |
RIIA | Royal Institute of International Affairs |
RLSS | Royal Life Life Saving Society |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamer |
RNC | Royal Naval College |
RNEC | Royal Naval Engineering College |
RNID | Royal National Institute for Deaf People |
RNLI | Royal National Lifeboat Institution |
ROI | Royal Institute of Oil Painters |
RoSPA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents |
RSAC | Royal Scottish Automobile Club |
RSGS | Royal Scottish Geographic Society |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
RSSA | Royal Scottish Society of Arts |
RSSPCC | Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
RSW | Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours |
RTPI | Royal Town Planning Institute |
SEATO | South East Asia Treaty Organisation |
SJ | Society of Jesus |
SOAS | Society of Oriental and African Studies |
SOGAT | Society of Graphical and Allied Trades |
SOS | Stars Organisation for Cerebral Palsy |
SPCK | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge |
SRC | Science Research Council |
SSAFA | Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Families’ Association |
SSC | Supreme Court (Scotland) |
SSEES | School of Slavonic and East European Studies |
SWOAC | Scottish Woodland Owners Association (Commercial) |
TA & VR | Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association |
T & AF | Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
UCLA | University of California at Los Angeles (USA) |
UDC | Urban District Council |
UEA | University of East Anglia |
UKAEA | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority |
UKIP | United Kingdom Independence Party |
UMIST | University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology |
UN | United Nations |
UNA | United Nations Association |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Fund |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organisation |
UNO | United Nations Organisation |
UNRRA | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |
UPNI | Unionist Party of N Ireland |
USPG | United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
UUP | Ulster Unionist Party |
UUUC | United Ulster Unionist Coalition |
UWE | University of the West of England |
VUP | Vanguard Unionist Party |
WEU | Western European Union |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WVS | Women’s Voluntary Services |
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